Friday, September 2, 2011

Apparently Not Project Runway

Why, why is there bad in the world?  Why do bandits rob banks?  Murderers stop hearts?  Banana peels trip people?  And most of all, why, why do catty girls kill their ex-boyfriend who fell in love with another girl, standing over his dead body, drenched in his blood, snarling, “If I can’t have him, no one can.”--Totally a Lifetime movie right there.  I actually saw one with that very same line, except it was an abusive boyfriend who killed his ex.  What he should’ve said was, “If I can’t beat her to a pulp, then no one can.”

That whole paragraph sounded like it came from a soap opera (goodbye cheesy Disney films, hello Café, con Aroma de Mujer, [Coffee With Scent of A Woman], a Columbian soap opera.  How do I know about Café, con Aroma de Mujer?  Let’s just say, I do my research.)

But in all seriousness, it really is sad, what with all the bad going around in the world.  Actually, my family was having a conversation, more like debate J, about whether the world was more violent, or if it is just more publicly televised.  It’s hard to say if it increased or not, because things were not broadcast on an AOL or CNN website, along with newscasts galore.  It’s like the question, which I hate to be honest (because I can’t find an answer!) does a falling tree make noise if no one’s there.  I’m reading this over, and that analogy stunk.  The tree-falling question had nothing to do with the original topic.  I guess I just wanted to sound professor-ish with my intellectual question.  Better luck next time, Erin.

Earlier in my life (gosh, I sound so old saying that.  It’s like saying, “When I was a kid…”  I guess I always knew I had an old soul in a young body. J), I met this girl after moving to a new school.  Our seats were placed right next to each other, making us fast friends.  She was sweet the first day, nice to me as the weeks went by, until she wasn’t anymore.  She started dishing these digs to me every couple of days.

But that wasn’t even the brunt of her nastiness.  I showed up to her birthday party, gift in hand, smile on my face.  It was at a local movie theater, a showing of some Christmas movie.  I walked up the stairs to the back row where all the girls were sitting.  I approached her, grinning wide.  And you know what she said to me?  Not, “I’m so happy you could make it!”  Or, “Thanks for the gift!”  Nope.  She said to me something I will remember for the rest of my life. She said, “That’s what you wore to my birthday party.”  On a side note, I thought the outfit I was wearing was cute, quite frankly.  But can you believe someone would say that?  Oh my goodness.  That’s just plain mean.

The terrible part about it, was that I didn’t stand up for myself.  I was sick at the time, the time being right before I was diagnosed with D.  So sick that I let her say something like that to me.  Which to this day makes me so angry.  I didn’t even tell my mom about it for a long time.  When I finally did, she helped me find the nerve to tell her she needed to stop being mean to me.  When I finally did, she let up a little, and I made lots of fun and nice friends, leaving her to find someone else.  I so wish she’d said that to me now because I would’ve told her off like nobody’s business.  She’d never get away with something like that.  Never.  I’d have someone hold my earrings while I threw my 4 foot 9 body on top of her.  It would not have been pretty to say the least.  But she moved states now, so I don’t have to worry about her anymore.  Thank goodness.  She did get progressively nicer to me when I passed her in the halls.  There was no way we were ever going to be close friends again, however I did respect her for trying to be sweet.  She gets a couple points for that.  Very minimal, but points nonetheless.  If this were a competition, however, she’d be left in the dust.  No question to it.


  1. We the good people of the world have to look at all the positive is life. You have an extremely supportive family and lots of good friends. You are pretty, smart and talented. Leave the rest of the evil people in the dust.

  2. Sound waves are generated when the tree falls. If no one is there to receive the waves the sound is still there (ask the animals that are in the area). However, if you consider sound when a human receives the waves in their ears, then there is no sound. That is my way of being Professor like - but who cares:-)

    You mom gave you good advice. It seemed to work. Also, I saw a little of a family trait in your 4 foot 9 body comment. Do you have any Italian in you?

  3. Hahaha! Thanks, JP. And you're Professor attempt was way more successful than mine! :)
