Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Hard Goodbye to Give

I’m melancholy.  Devastated.  Completely full of sadness.  An old friend is going to leave me soon.  Moving on to something bigger and better.  Leaving me to fend for myself in middle school.  All alone, I soon will be.  Because my best friend is going to be gone.  I will receive visits from this friend.  Occasionally during the work week, most likely on the weekend and holidays.  Mi amigo won’t be gone forever, and will be back for the summer season.  And you’re probably wondering who this special friend is.  And I will tell you that it’s my blog.

School is starting up again, and my blog will be winding down.  I’m really sad that this has to happen, but the good student I am J, I have to make sure school is the #1 priority.  I’m going to try to write as much as I can, if there’s time after my homework.  The weekends I will have time, I’m pretty sure of that.  And holidays, or any time I have school off for that matter.  But I’d have to say it’s been quite a summer.

What a great pastime for someone like me, who absolutely, positively, whole-heartedly, every ounce in my body, as much as Zac felt (they’re no longer L) for Vanessa, love writing.  Writing is something I’ve enjoyed for as long as I can remember.  The free writing in 2nd grade, the extraterrestrial story in 4th, the essays in 7th, and now the blog the summer of 8th.  You don’t know how glad I am that I finally started this website, a blog that I wanted to start last year, but never did.  Thank goodness I eventually got on the laptop and set it up.

I wrote about my weird little childhood, my fun Lucy, my killer bubbles.  A play on a hit song, an ad of a pocket, and dirty feet.  And on top of all that, I wrote about all the crazy type 1 stories that made me loony.  This is my 64th post, 64 days I’d written something.  And 64 days that all y’all out there turned on the computer, typed in and read what I wrote.  Which really means a lot to me.  But I’m not here to be corny and all. J

Totally random, but I always thought it was weird that we said corny and cheesy when we thought something was too…  I don’t know how to explain it, but you all know when we would use those two words.  Corn and cheese sounds disgusting together, which I always thought was strange.  That was super out there, but whatever.  Just something I’ve thought about for quite a long time. J

So anyway, this is not goodbye.  This is see you soon… but not as soon as what it usually has been.  In hindsight, I posted this post too early.  I still have a couple more days to blog.  I’m saying so long ahead of time.  I’ve always been one to overachieve.  J  That’s just me!  So maybe see you tomorrow, maybe in a couple of days.  Ooooh.  Super elusive.  I like this new Erin.  And I know you do too. J


  1. Never say goodbye only SEE YOU SOON!

  2. I will miss reading your everyday blogs and will keep an eye for the occasional ones. School should always be your #1 priority.

    You did not post this goodbye too early. Being the nice person you are you wanted to give us a warning so we can prepare for the drought of funny ideas.
