Sunday, July 10, 2011

13 Today!

I'm 13 today! Yay for me! So today I'm going write about my awesome day and my not-so-awesome blood sugar levels. While my family gave me amazing and memorable gifts, my diabetes gave me the gift of crazy high numbers. I will give you the rundown of my levels from the past two days:

Me, 13, posing for my birthday shot!
9:41 pm yesterday night~~~426 (random!) Here, I did a site change.

12:39 am~~~386 (Yep, still high numbers. Why, who knows?)

1:20 am~~~415 (Pretty frustrating, huh?)

2:39 am~~~327

3:59 am~~~301 Here, my mother gave me a 4 am shot because the stupid site was obviously not working.

8:32 am~~~80 (YAY! The shots are always dependable! I did another site change at this time).

So, you can imagine my excitement from my 80 number. But like all good things, it came to an end. I was the lovely number of 249 by 11:00. You can imagine my hatred towards my diabetes now. I know how my Type 1 feels about me from the gift it granted for my 13th birthday. Thanks for that, really know how to make me angry. I went to see Monte Carlo today and lost it in the theater when I once again tested high. I threw the test strip (see Diabetes Terminology post) to the ground in pure disgust and hatred. Why today? Why, out of all the days in my life did my diabetes choose today to be so sucky? I'm sorry for the not-so-great word but it really pushed my buttons. I seriously wanted to scream. But then, as if the stars aligned, I tested randomly at 4:02 at the absolutely AMAZING number of 100! 100! Can you seriously believe it? I was shocked, I was stunned, I was so overflowed with happiness! I didn't have to do three site changes in only two days! I would have kissed my pancreas if I had access to it (okay, I wouldn't... Have you seen a pancreas before?). My diabetes let up, after hours of sheer crap from it (sorry again for the bad word, but I'm really passionate right now). :) I had took enough beating from my Type 1 these past two days, and it finally felt the tiniest bit of sympathy from me. It probably now expects a thank you. A thank you, really?! He/she (I don't know what gender it would be) made my "diabetes day" terrible up until that point. But you know what? My "real me day" was absolutely amazing. I got AMAZING gifts and the wonderful presence of my family and grandparents. I went to see a movie during the day, Miguel's at night, and a delicious cookie cake from Nestle. I had quite the exciting birthday and I would say my best yet. I got plenty of jewelry, all gorgeous, and very cute outfits. And although my Type 1 and I started out the day on terrible terms, we ended up okay (however I lost my respect for he/she a long, long time ago). And who cares anyway? I got through it! And I'm 13! A teenager! Thanks for those of you who wished me a happy birthday, on this blog, in person, or by text! I am thankful and lucky to have all of you in my life; I had an amazing day! :)


  1. You are an amazing young lady with an unblievable attitude. I enjoy reading your blogs. It makes me smile.

  2. Awwwww! You're so sweet! Thanks so much!
