Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Adventurous Tale of My "Fair" Bladder

Jewelry, SAT help, personality tests, jewelry, teeth whitening, soft pretzels, jewelry, rides, nightlights, massaging, and more jewelry.  Those were the components of the local fair I went to today, which was super fun.  I saw goats and lambs and pigs and roosters, sodas and hot dogs and hamburgers and fried frog legs.  I shopped and ate and put 25 cents in a machine to get my feet massaged.  And it felt really good after hours of shopping.  And although I had a fun time, there were some very strange people I saw.

A woman with a dress hanging low strolled past on my right, while a man lacking a shirt stood by my left.  A teen guy in nothing but overalls scaled past and I looked to my mother, completely appalled.  (Okay, this is SUPER off-topic, but my sister just used one of those massage thingies on my hot dog {a name my dad and I came up with for a person’s calf} and it felt sooooo good!  I had one of those walking-cramps from the fair today and it magically disappeared!  As soon as my sister put it on the spot, I laughed out loud.  And laughed the whole time.  It felt so ticklish and I just couldn’t help myself, even when Jessica (my sis) asked me, “Does it hurt?”  Apparently my laughter sounded like shrieks of pain…  I have a higher pitched voice, as some of the middle school boys have noted to me L, which may have led to Jessica’s confusion.  Sorry for that random blurp.  Just had to get it out. J)  So anyway, some people wear interesting clothes to a place where you want to walk around…never made any sense to me whatsoever.
Before we entered the fair, we stopped at Chik-fil-A for lunch.  I had the soda and then a refill there, and loved every bit of it.  But that meant that my bladder was filled to the rim with you-know-what (it sounds disgusting to type it so I just figured you would know what it is I am referring to J).  As we were driving, I figured I would make it in time to find a bathroom, however after like, ten minutes of trying to figure out what line we had to be in (we were going to get in free because we donated books, but we didn’t know if there was a separate line for it).  We were power-walking, and with each step I thought I was going to have an accident right on the spot.  They had a bathroom outside the fair I could have gone in.  That would have been perfect, except for the fact that it was closed.  I later realized that was because it led right on into the fair, meaning you could get in without paying.  Darnett.  I really had to go and literally felt lighter once I left the ladies’ room.  Thank goodness.

I’d have to say my favorite part of the fair today, though, was the dog show.  Amazing.  Absolutely amazing.  Chewy was my favorite dog, who caught many Frisbees, jumped rope…and did a backflip.  Can you believe it?  This dog did backflips.  BACKFLIPS!!!  I could not believe my eyes.  It was absolutely amazing, stunning, mind-blowing, eye-bulging, and most of all, scary.  I was afraid Chewy was going to fall down and hurt herself, but she jumped so high, there would be no way she could hurt herself even if she mucked up a bit.  (Did you like that word?  Mucked.  I stole it from the U.K. guys form a soccer camp I did…  One of them said it and I liked how it sounded!  J  I’m a word-stealer.  Shameful!  Despicable!)


Later today, I had a soft pretzel, loaded with salt (bad for my health!  I know!  Stop telling me that!  Goodness, you guys are acting like my mom!).  I was so full from it, but it was super yummy and my belly groaned in delight afterward.  We actually had to go on a mission to find some.  Pretzel Impossible (though it wasn’t impossible at all because we found some.  Whatever).  I had another soda (and I had to answer Mother Nature once again.  I was punished).  It was good though, my tasty Diet Pepsi.
Besides all of the food I ate, I was crazy-low today.  I had a lot of glucose to raise my blood sugar, but it just wasn’t enough.  The culprit of my low syndrome today was the fat in my wonderful chicken sandwich from lunch, and the delicious waffle fries.  So at least I know why my numbers were dropping so much.  That’s a plus!


Are you jealous of my day so far?  J  You will be once I tell you that my dog Lucy caught on to some of the tricks I saw at the dog show today right away (now, don’t start thinking she is going to do a backflip or anything risky like that.  I can’t lose my little Lucy!  But she did walk on her hind legs a bit!).  She’s a very fast learner and is crazy-smart.  Or just crazy! J

So on that note, go on back to your checkers game, your Scrabble board, your Monopoly play.  But just remember…  Keep up the “FAIR”-play!  Get it?  Because I went to the fair today?!  What, you think that’s lame?!  Yeah, I know!  I heard you the first time!  Yep, I heard you…L for loser. J


  1. Sounds like you had a blast.

  2. I went today, I didn't see dogs do backflips, but I did seea guy on a pogo stick do five flips in a row to BEAT his own WORLD RECORD! I had fried butter, AMAZING! Fried cool aid, weird, and was gonna have fried ice cream, but we didn't find any that wasn't Klondike so I didn't get it. We went on many rides and I was ripped off at this game stand, they gave me one dart per play and I was only allowed to play once! So I would have won a Domo, but intend a whale that could fit in my pocket. You seemed to have a good time, and I did two, so CONGRATS to us both!

  3. That sounds like a really fun day!
