Monday, July 11, 2011

Wild Rivers Extravaganza

I woke up, I went for a run, and then I partied at Wild Rivers with my four friends (it was so sad one of them couldn’t make it L).  Even after a rough morning (I, to my own shame, forgot to bolus breakfast; it rarely happens, but today it sadly did).  426, that was my number, and the punishment I received for forgetting.  I picked up two of my friends right after and we headed on our merry way (and my thirsty way due to my 400 number)to Wild Rivers.  At the entrance, the man taking my ticket had to get someone to sift through my diabetic snack bag that contained a diet coke (if you have the perk, use it because us Type 1’s don’t get pampered much J).  To bring over a lady who would tie a string around the cooler that “okays” it, the not-so-gentle man blew this obnoxious whistle that killed my ears.  My mother, who I thank extremely for sticking up for me, remarked, “Because that doesn’t bring any attention to her.”  Was there anyone after that who didn’t know that there was something “wrong” with me.  I put wrong in quotes because I can do anything anyone else can except be in the military (darn!) and drive a truck (now I might cry!).  So anyway, we got through the entrance, I tested my blood sugar, and went crazy on a ride called the Patriot.  It is an amazingly fun ride and I was sad that we couldn’t go on it again due to the almost hour long wait.  I tried the Abyss for the first time (probably one of the scariest rides there) and had an absolute blast.  I circled the Lazy River, lounged in the jacuzzi, and scared the you-know-what out of me on the Congo River Rapids.  Right at the beginning, the floatation device (sounds formal, huh?) turned backward on us, making my heart beat out of my chest.  I was absolutely terrified.  But, I got through it, muttering under my breath as to why I even went on it. 

After that traumatic experience, I realized the pain I was feeling because of the chafing on my legs.  My board shorts were giving me a terrible rash that was killing my body.  I would have just taken off the board shorts except for the fact that a tube of icing was stashed in the pocket.  That icing was the reason I could go into half an hour lines for the Patriot or the Abyss.  If I were to have felt low in line and I was lacking my trusty icing, I would have to leave and go in search of my sugar.  So, I just went through the pain to make sure I was diabetes-prepared (and I wasn’t even a girl scout!).

Ooh, and by the way, I conquered my year-long fear of the daunting wave pool.  About a year ago my 6th grade class went to Wild Rivers as our promotion party.  My friends and I entered the pool and I expected a couple little, calm, and fun waves.  But I was terribly wrong.  I got off rhythm, jumping when the water ceased, standing still when the waves reached over 6 feet.  Thankfully, I was friends and still am friends with an excellent swimmer.  She pushed me away from those darn waves, and into safety.  Today, I entered the wave pool once again, this time with a floatation device (there’s that fancy word again) and I had so much fun.  All of my friends rid their pool floaties when the waves began, but I hung on to mine for the whole time, never letting go, fearing the same thing that happened a year ago would happen again.  But it didn’t!  And I surprisingly had fun!  Aren’t you guys proud of me?
So today was a big success.  I received good quality girl time with my best buds, I conquered my fear of the wave pool, and I had an amazing soft pretzel with loads of salt piled on it.  YUM!  And now I’m writing my blog, which always relaxes me.  My birthday was continued one more day, and it rocked!  And my blood sugar behaved, other than that one 400 that was my fault L.  Boy, I’m really ashamed of that!  …very embarrassing!  But, I’m sure it has happened to every diabetic one time or another.  That’s one thing I love about this blog.  Some of you reading this are diabetic and have gone through the things I have gone through, which gives me loads of comfort. Type 1 really just stinks sometimes, but if I can vent about it on this site, it will do me great good.  Thanks again to those of you reading this site.  Together, we can kick diabetes in the you-know-what because it is such a you-know-what.


  1. Nice post! Wild Rivers is always a fun place. Must be hard having diabetes. Can't wait for the next post!

  2. Awww1 Thanks! Your a very trusty commenter! Wild Rivers is FUN and I am so proud I conquered the wave pool! :)

  3. The wave pool was so much fun, and I knew you could do it!

  4. Sounds like sooo much fun! Yay, I'm so proud of you for going to the wave pool!! :D
