Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Right now I am staring at a blinking cursor, a blank word document, and electric blue nails.  Today my mom and I got our nails painted at a nearby salon.  The women there are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, making it not just a place where your hands and feet get dolled up, but also a place where your ego is boosted up a notch.  I love going there.  Since you can’t see my hands currently, I will just tell you that they look amazing as I type up my 30th blog post.  The 30th!  Congratulations to moi!  30 is a big number, and to celebrate I am going to write a post completely dedicated to my diabetes that makes for good blogging and of course, the cockroaches that got me on this laptop (see Vacation Heat and…Bugs?).  Here goes my dedication.

I give 13 millimeter shots every three days.
I put up with big, fat bugs meandering, one false step pays.
I have to pull out Lola and bolus my food before eating.
I had to wear shoes everywhere, be ready for fleeing.
This makes me mad.
This makes me sad.
This makes me feel every emotion but glad.
But these events, all these events.
Are the events that give me a good way to vent.

I have to bring big, old bags to go have any fun.
I had to check my shoes, afraid they would come out in a run.
I have to be tested in the middle of the night.
I could barely sleep, afraid of those roaches, afraid of their fright.
This makes me mad.
This makes me sad.
This makes me feel every emotion but glad.
But these times, all these times.
Are the times that make for great rhymes.

I have to bring a meter, pricker, and strips everywhere I go.
I had to be fearful that cockroaches were in my bed, chewing on my toe.
I have to listen to ignorant comments, biting on my tongue.
I wanted to leave those things soon, to me they resembled dung.
This makes me mad.
This makes me sad.
This makes me feel every emotion but glad.
But these stinkers, all these stinkers.
Are the stinkers that make this web address not a sinker.

The diabetes scarred me.
The cockroaches scared me.
The finger-pricking hurt me.
The antennae disgusted me.
But these things, all these things.
Are the things that give this blog full of zing.

I just realized that this is not my 30th blog post, but my 31st.  Eh, whatever.  Just forget everything I wrote…  It doesn’t matter that I put time and effort into a BIG, FAT LIE!  I guess I just need to go back to kindergarten and learn how to count again. L

But who cares?  My nails look good.  Enough said?  Of course it should.


  1. Great poem. You should put it to music. WOW 31 posts. How can you come up with all the ideas? Keep them coming.

  2. I really look forward to your blogs. You have real talent, and an interesting mind Ha Ha.
