Monday, August 15, 2011

My Seriously Skilled and Big-Headed Post!

Warning: The following material contains bragging and boasting about yours truly.  Please know that I will not take complaints about bragging and boasting to yours truly directed toward yours truly.  Get it?  Got it?  Goody.
I was seriously skilled today.  Skilled at tying up the laces of my soccer cleats at a shoe store.  Skilled at playing the Kinect at my friend’s house.  Skilled at my first soccer practice I went to tonight.  About an hour ago, I came home from that soccer practice with my new coach and my new team.  I had to admit that I was kind of dreading going to practice; it’s awkward meeting new people and attending a practice that is run completely different than you’re used to.  It was actually super fun, though.

At the beginning, the assistant coach asked everybody whose team they played for last season.  When the attention was pointed on me, I proudly said, with my head pointed high as the clouds, that I was on the Plus team.  Plus is my league’s “elite” program.  The only reason I didn’t try out for it once again this season was due to the coach.  The person they picked out for head coach is a coach I’ve had before.  I think you can guess my thoughts about him, considering that I didn’t try out.  If you don’t know my thoughts, if that was hard to figure out J, then I will let you know that I do NOT like him.  On his team, I was named, “Rebound Girl” because that’s all I was supposed to do.  Run down the field like an idiot, only touching the ball to rebound it back into the goal.  Practical.  Great.  Fun.

After boasting about my Plus background, we started with a jog around the field, to which I tied to the finish with another girl.  We then did some pointless drills, created by the assistant coach, another man who coached me earlier in my “soccer lifetime”.  He’s a really nice guy.  Who likes me.  Which always makes me like someone J.

Then, my favorite part of the practice came around.  The scrimmage.  The scrimmage to which I kicked buttocks!  If I do say so myself, which I just did!  I passed accurate passes, passes that helped my team look good, not just myself.  But I made a couple of goals too, just to make sure my new coach noticed me.

I did really good tonight!--as I’ve mentioned a lot of times on this blog.  I did good today on the Kinect too!  The dancing!  My favorite move was the Plant and Rock.  It’s a pretty awesome move, which I excelled in.  You would be seriously jealous.  I will just end on that note because I don’t want you to feel bad about your own self.  So that’s that and byezers!

Me, Erin Marie, is not as big-headed as it seems to be on this blog post.  It was just a good day!  And who else would I act all narcissistic to!  The world wide web, that’s who!


  1. Glad you had a good day. Where else to blow your oun horn, but on the web. Hope today is another good one.

  2. You were not bragging. You were just telling us what happened.

  3. Awww! You're too sweet!

    By the way, you have to say that! :)
