Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another One of Those Days

*Pouty face*

*Tired face*

*Crinkled forehead*
I had a major headache today, off and on.  Currently it is nowhere to be found.  Thank goodness.  But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t very much so present around four this afternoon.  I hate headaches, and surprisingly, luckily, haven’t had one in quite a long time.  But it’s gone now.  Let’s make these next couple of minutes count.  J  Phew.
I think it’s the heat.  It’s been hot like (insert bad word) here, which always seems to give me a head pain.  I always thought that really stunk, that I could never really enjoy the nice weather because my head was giving me issues.  But my brain didn’t give me so much pain that I couldn’t be super witty tonight (if I do say so myself.  Which I just did!).  At the super market, I was constantly quoting my favorite movie Grown Ups to my dad, who is also a big fan. 
“I can’t believe you just stole you’re daughter’s canoli from Vigillio’s!” I yelled, quoting one of my favorite lines.  “It’s from Vigillio’s.  Leave me alone, woman!”
Then, as we were unloading the groceries, I saw Red Vines stuffed in one of the bags.
“Dad, are you trying to hide these from me?”  Me, a HUGE Red Vine lover.  “You were caught red vined.”  Get it?  Like red handed?  Yep, pretty witty, huh?
I’m so proud of myself.  You are too.  I know.  Words can’t even explain how much you think I should be a comedian.  And if you have absolutely no words about that, that you think nothing at all about my future, nonexistent career in the comedy world, then keep it to yourself.
“So long, partner,” from Toy Story.  There I go!  And once again, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. J


  1. I hope your headache stays away. It has been hot, but these are the dog days. You are quite amazing with your charm and sense of humor. Keep smiling.
