Sunday, August 14, 2011

Done, Done, Done!

Yay.  Yes.  Woohoo.  Eureka--Just kidding.  I take that last word back.  After looking up Eureka on the internet, I realized that it means the joy of finding something.  I didn’t find anything, but I DID finish my book The Help.  I know, all of you are proud of moi, your short little blogger.  Yesterday you were shaking your fingers up in my face, and today you are boasting to everyone that you know me!  Okay, I will admit that was a little bit dramatic.  But we can pretend it is true, right?  Sure we can. J
So I’m very happy I finished that book.  Took me about two weeks to read.  400 pages later and I’m done.  Thank goodness.  It was such an amazing book.  We didn’t see the movie today which made me pretty melancholy (I love that word!) but we will see it sometime this week.  I can’t wait.  I don’t think, other than Ramona and Beezus, I’ve ever read a book that was changed into a movie.  No Harry Potter for me, or Bella/Edward love.  I’ve never read either of those.  The reason I have never cracked open a J.K. Rowling novel is because now, after I’ve seen all the movies, after everyone I know has already read them once, maybe even twice, it sounds ridiculous and dumb to pick the first one up.  Sounds like a lot of work.

I have a completely different take on the Twilight saga.  I think the first movie absolutely reeked up the theater I was in.  It was terrible.  With a constipated look looming on Edward’s face the ENTIRE flick, I could not and will never stand that movie.  Bella’s face was hard as a rock, showing no emotion whatsoever.  Pretty bad acting is all I have to say on her part.  It is strange though, because I watched Water for Elephants starring Robert Patterson.  My favorite movie.  He was an amazing actor in that film and I thought it was one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time.  I loved it.  So I guess it’s just the character Edward that he had a hard time playing.  Phew.

The second movie was a lot better than the first, and the third even better.  They still weren’t that great but compared to the first, it was a relief that at least one of the movies were okay.  Hopefully the new one, Breaking Dawn, will be the best one.  We will just have to wait and see.

So, yeah, I’m pretty psyched about seeing a movie on a book I’ve actually read.  I’m going to walk on into the theater, head held high, nose facing the dimmed lights, letting out a long and haughty sniff.  I will let the unfortunate person sitting by my right know that I read this book, many times.  I will let the unlucky person to my left know what’s happening next.  “I know that because I read this book,” I will loudly whisper to the person in front of me.  “Did y’all hear I done read this book?” My future-me will shout behind me.  “That was my Southern maid talk coming out just then…  Because people who read this book, like me, talk like that.  Just so you know.”

Uh huh, my family is not going to want to be seen with me.  So just like Teddy Duncan from Good Luck Charlie would say, “Good luck, Erin’s Family.”


  1. congratulations! Donna ( the woman I work with) saw the help and really really liked it. Hopefully you will enjoy it. I like the new look. Have fun.

  2. You finished a 400 page book in two weeks? WOW - I would be starting on page 5.

    I spent a long night in Eureka a few weeks ago. Do you know a word that says "Sorry I found it". They should rename the city.

    I also noticed the new background. Very nice.

  3. Hahaha, GP! That's hilarious. Sorry, but I don't know a word for, "Sorry I found it."

    That's good she liked it, JP! I can't wait to see it!
