Saturday, August 13, 2011

Almost Done that Book!

95.    An odd number.  A multiple of five.  The precise number of pages remaining in my book The Help.  What with all of the volleyball sessions I completed this week, and the all-day Universal Studios adventure, I had barely any time to read (although I do admit that the time I did have, I watched TV…  Bad Erin!  I know you would shake your finger right up in my face if you had the chance, wouldn’t you?! J).  Because of this no-time, no-read factor, I knew I had to seriously crank that book out today.  The Help became a movie yesterday, yesterday¸ and I’m not done.  I have to get it done by tomorrow afternoon, that’s my goal.  But I have 95 pages.  Almost 100.  That’s a lot and I kind of want to take a break the rest of the night since all day I was wrapped up in this novel.  But it is a REALLY good book, so it’s worth every minute I spend on it.
So I’m sure the first thing you noticed when you clicked on this page was the new and improved appearance.  Thoughts?  Let me know.  I think I like it, the wild colors.  So hopefully you do too.  I mentioned on my profile that I was very indecisive, that the colors and themes would be changing regularly.  I am just as surprised as my mom that I have not changed anything majorly before today.  I believe that the very bottom color of this site was substituted for a purple or something like that, but nothing huge.  I’m shocked, just because I know my personality, and I’ve seen how fast things changed on a wiki that my 6th grade teacher recommended we create.  I’m shocked, but my old wiki is still running!  I mean no one is reading it anymore or adding to it, but here it is:

My original!  My second wiki site is right here:

Just kidding!  It’s not right here because I don’t remember it!  Darn.  It was about your favorite vacations spots or something I can’t remember.  If I ever think of the site name again, I will let you know, but you can just continue to read this blog.  J

I’m going to go read now, or watch a movie.  I don’t know yet.  But, I will tell you if I finish my book mañana.  Hopefully.  Wish me luck!  Tomorrow I am going to seriously read and finish that sucker.  Bye, guys and please let me know if you like the blog’s new look.  Thanks ahead of time and my way to say goodbye today, in the famous language of pig latin, is oodbyeg!  I have no clue if that is even right but it works!  …and you will just go with it, right?!  J  Of course you will!


  1. I like the new look! Thanks for using my Universal Happiness idea!

  2. I like the new look. Change is good. My money is on you finishing the book.

  3. Good luck finishing your book.

  4. No problem Darren and thanks to all of you guys!
