Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The 50th Missed

How did this happen?  How could I let this happen?  I knew it was coming.  I knew my fiftieth blog post was coming soon, but still I missed it.  Completely watched it go by.  This is two posts after the big five-oh, and I will never forgive myself.  Oops.  I just did.
I was going to do something special on the fiftieth, but two things happened.  Number 1, I forgot (the whole point of everything you just read).  Number 2, I had no clue what “special” thing I was going to do.  I still don’t know.  Let me think a second…

Still thinking.


The wheels are turning.


Almost there.


Got it.

I am going to eat my lunch. 

Oh darn.  That doesn’t devote anything to this blog, nothing to you.  Shoot.  I really thought that was going to work.  Ugh.  Back to thinking.

Just kidding!  No time to think because moi has to get ready for moi’s concert tonight.  I’m so excited to see Taylor Swift, not only because it’s my first concert, but also because I learned all of her songs (exaggeration.  Not all of them).

But that does mean that I can’t do anything special today.  I am pondering over two outfit choices.  Two!  Whoa there.  Time to decide and time to say goodbye!


  1. I can't believe you missed your 50th either. So did I. Have a good time at the concert. Make sure you blog about it tomorrow.
