Saturday, August 20, 2011

We All Just Love Cleaning, Don't We?

Today was a cleaning day.  A day where my dad mows the lawn, my mom scrubs the bathroom, my sister and I vacuum and mop upstairs and downstairs.  A cleaning day.  Pretty self-explanatory.

Every weekend we clean.  Do you know why we clean almost every weekend?  Because dirt never takes a break.  Dust never sleeps.  There is always something you can do around the house to make it look nicer.  Clean the blinds.  Dust the elliptical.  Spray the mirrors.  Vacuum the rug.  Hmmm…  What else?  I’m sure I could think of a list over twenty with things to do.  So much.
Today, I dusted the whole downstairs, my room, my parents room and the loft.  After a hard-working morning consisting of wiping off the black disgusting particles on every freaking piece of furniture (exaggeration) , I let myself relax and do some yoga…  On the wii!  Wii Fit to be exact.  It was super fun and relaxing.  I was pretty good and was apparently at the level of a “Yoga Trainer” on some of the poses.  I’ve never done yoga before today, on the wii, or in a class.  I always thought I’d like it.  And well… I did!
After my break, I vacuumed the carpet upstairs.  That is one big workout.  I mean, that gets sweat pouring down my face, that gets me to feeling like it’s 100 degrees in our cool 70 degree house (exaggeration).  And that’s not even accounting for the drop it causes to my numbers.  I had, what I call, a “bum” site.  This bum site was, well, called a bum site because a thin stream of blood was in the canula (the little plasticky tube that is lodged into my body).  With blood in there, there’s no room for the insulin to flow through.  I think I would’ve been real high today if it weren’t for the cleaning.  Brings my numbers right on down, until I stopped, showered, and had to do a site change.
So you’d think that after all the hard-work my family put into the house today, that I would not want to, I don’t know, DIRTY IT UP!  But I did.  Great job, Erin.
But it wasn’t entirely my fault.  Lucy was the big culprit.  Here’s what happened:
I just sat down at the computer, flavored water bottle in hand, to blog.  Lucy LOVES “special water”, which is what we call the Aquafina FlavorSplash bottles. I will set one on the ground and she will start licking the outside, trying to get some of the Grape flavor into her own mouth.  It makes sense that when I dropped the cap onto the ground, that she would grab it in her tiny mouth and run away with it.  Shoot, I thought. Now I have to go chase her.  And just as I sat up to run after her, my arm flung across the open, capless bottle.  Gravity did the rest, spraying the water all over the chair next to me, the desk it was resting on, the carpet, the trash can.  Ugh. Why now?  Why today?, I mumbled to myself.  You can bet that I was mad.  Mad, mad, mad at my black, 12-pound schnoodle.


  1. OMG what a awful thing to happen especially after cleaning the house. It is amazing how much a small bottle of water can spread. It's like the loaves & fishes. Hope all is well today. I agree with the statement I hate cleaning.

  2. Dust might not sleep but it sure lays down (everwhere).

    Cleaning sound like a nice family activity. Those that clean together stay together.
